Hi, chaps!
My name is Dominik, 30 years young, founder of the KrautHeadStudio.
I live near Cologne, Germany in the infamous region called the Eifel. My first contact to the Warhammer 40k Universe was around 15 years ago, starting with an Ultramarines and Orks force. After several breaks from the hobby I finally got back to it at the end of 2005.
I currently own around 4.500 points of Space Wolves, 2.500 points of Tyranids, 2.500 points of Necrons and half of an 4.500 points Eldar force - most of them are painted and are fielded regularly on the tabletop.
Since 2009 my main focus switched from playing the game to painting miniatures as my skills and equipment improved slowly but steadily. After several requests I finally made the decision of taking commissions so I started this blog. Some of my work was already featured on the official Games Workshop Website under "What's new today" and I'm working on entering my first Golden Daemon Contest mini in 2012.
Outside of the hobby I'm working as a graphics artist since 2004, I'm married to my lovely wife Tati and we have a very inspiring and motivating child named Emma.
I'm a communicative guy so if you have any questions regarding my minis please don't hesitate to contact me at dominik@krautheadstudio.com
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