Hi chaps!
Here are some quick shots of a test mini I did for my next army project - the Red Scorpions.
I used a Vanilla Marine I had left over in my bits box so the right shoulderpad will be exchanged with a fancy FW chapter one.
I tried a pretty simple and fast paint scheme which is more or less like this (model was primed black):
- Basecoat Vallejo Model Air German Grey (Airbrush)
- Highlight Vallejo Model Air Pale Grey (Airbrush)
- Badab Black Wash
- Fine highlight Codex Grey
- Highlight Vallejo Model Air Pale Grey (Airbrush)
Yellow parts:
- Basecoat Vallejo Game Color Leather Brown
- Highlight Vallejo Model Air Dark Yellow
- Highlight Vallejo Model Air Gold Yellow
- Fine highlight Vallejo Model Air Gold Yellow/white 50/50
- Highlight Vallejo Model Air German Grey
- Boltgun Metal + Mithril Silver Highlight
- Basecoat Vallejo Model Air Tank Brown
- Highlight from blood red to blood red/white
- Fine dot of white
- OSL with heavily watered down Blood red (has to be improved)
- Vallejo pigments "light yellow orce" and "light slate grey"
All in all I'm pleased with the overall look, although he is a bit sloppy on the painting side of things.
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